Gateway America Prep
Traditional Education for the 21st Century
Serving Fort Bend County since 2005
Who We Are
Gateway America is a non-traditional learning model, appealing to parents who are seeking a proven curriculum for their child’s education.
What We Believe
Our proven formula takes the whole child into consideration with customized academics and soft skills needed for everyday life.
How We Do It
We understand the education is far more than grades. We teach students how to become independent, how to collaborated with others, and offer opportunities for creative outlets.
A Letter to prospective families
When I decided to start this school, it was for partly selfish reasons. My wife and I had just gotten married and knew one day we would have children. After working in a local public school, I quickly realized that the traditional school system was broken in a lot of ways and catered to some children but not all. And if you didn't fit the mold, there was little that could be done. And I wanted to create a space for my own kids to thrive. I wanted to have a say in how they were taught and treated. At that time, I had no idea what my kids would be like, but I knew that I wanted them to feel like they were accepted, respected, heard and safe. I wanted them to know that they could come to me with issues and problems. But I also wanted to be a part of their lives. I wanted to be heard as a parent and be given the opportunity to put my child in the best possible position in life. My life goal is to raise happy healthy adults. I had worked with kids my whole life through martial arts and knew that the rapport that I created through martial arts could transfer to the classroom. I also knew that for the majority of kids, these middle and high school years were difficult no matter what. I also discovered through martial arts that kids who had successes had better confidence and self-esteem. Because kids spend so much time and energy at school, it only made sense that this was an area that we should capitalize on for success and self-esteem building.
Over time, the school has evolved. And that is partly from what I have learned from the kids and what they have taught me. I am still learning and evolving to make the best possible experience for each child. So, when people ask me what is ‘IT’ about Gateway, I have a hard time putting it into words. So, I turned to my students, past and present, to grade my paper. So below are some of the things that they have told me over the years that I hear most often.
Small Classes, Individualized Successes
Gateway America Prep prides itself on keeping a small school. The class size is limited so that Caroline and I are able to handle all students in our rooms on our own. This allows for individual attention for every student. Smaller class sizes allow for more opportunity for interaction with not only the instructor but their peers. There are no wallflowers at GAP. Many students state that the small environment allows them to make friends easier and to make lasting bonds with their peers, more like a family. Exposure to older and younger peers helps create a more realistic social setting. Furthermore, there are less distractions. Students who have come from larger schools say that Gateway allows them to focus on their schoolwork rather than dealing with social issues of the day or social drama from their peers. [As a parent, this is one of the areas that was most concerning to me. Hearing about some of the issues that occur in public school only affirms that I made the right decision to start the school.] This small environment allows for a more positive and encouraging school day rather than a stressful and chaotic one. Students express that they enjoy coming to Gateway as opposed to their previous schools, whether public or private.
Gateway uses a curriculum that is individual to the student and allows students to work at their own pace. This allows for students to naturally progress and learn rather than forced to go at someone else's pace. Also, students may need to slow down in one subject but can work ahead in another. For example, we may have a student who will work at a higher grade level in Math but needs remediation in English or vice versa. This helps students not become overwhelmed and hate a specific subject. We also use project-based learning which allows students to dive deep into subject matter that interests them. This promotes better understanding and a love for learning. It encourages teamwork and a real-life environment.
Another benefit is Gateway's approach to learning. Every day, students start the day writing goals and positive affirmations. There is so much negativity in this world and kids are bombarded with it. And although I don't wear rose colored glasses all the time, overwhelming negativity especially during these crucial years is a detriment to them. Again, self-esteem and confidence building are essential. These goals and affirmations also promote time management and owning their schoolwork. Students are not expected to have homework. We believe the home is for families, not an extension of school. However, many students wish to do some schoolwork at home to get ahead because they have started to become more responsible and "own" it.
No Dress code
As a benefit, Gateway does not have a "dress code" per se. Kids are free to dress as comfortably as they like within reason. The student is free and encouraged to express their personalities through their clothing, as long as it is respectful and modest. For speech/debate, students are encouraged to dress up as one would in real life. None of us would make a work presentation in shorts and flip flops so we do not expect the student to do so. Respect for oneself and respect for your peers is expected and encouraged.
Life Skills and Beyond
Gateway goes beyond traditional education by offering discussions and classes on a wide range of topics and current events. All students will participate in our speech/debate class throughout their time at GAP. We feel that public speaking is essential for life as communication is key in all aspects of life, especially in your personal relationships. Those who thrive in speech class are encouraged to participate in our school debates.
To bring out creativity, we bring in an instructor to teach art class. In my own life, physical fitness is important, and I personally assist students to earn PE credit if they need and want it. We also will allow your child's outside sports activities to take the place of PE.
In high school, students will enjoy our elective class of Personal Finance and Success Strategies. Parents are big fans of these classes! I have even taught kids to change tires or check the oil in their car.
High school students are encouraged to participate in our dual credit courses when they are ready. This allows students to receive college credit before graduating high school to jumpstart their higher education. Graduates of Gateway have been accepted to and attended several prestigious universities like Baylor, University of Texas, Texas A&M, Emory, and North Texas, among others. However, not every child is ready to go to a four-year university at eighteen years old. Some graduates of Gateway have also decided to enlist in the military, attend a trade school, and start working after high school. This is a family decision that we will help guide you through.
Outside of School
The flexibility of our school has allowed students to pursue acting, dance, and other activities that would not be available through public or private school environments. The simple fact that if your student is motivated and completes his or her work, they can pursue activities without the worry of truancy court for the parents. Many families choose to vacation at times that are in the off-season or travel to see family when it is necessary without the worry of their child missing important material in the classroom.
The Best Parent Feedback
There is nothing I enjoy hearing more than, "I don't have to fight my kid to go to school anymore." I don't dread going to work. And I certainly don't want the kids to dread coming to school.
Your Why
At the end of the day, I cannot give you Your Why. Each family comes for a different reason. Some families come for different reasons for each of their children. So, we have an open-door policy and meet with each family before they are accepted to the school. We encourage you to bring us your situation and questions to see if this is the best fit for Your Why. We don't just interview students, we interview parents. And we don't just accept students, we accept families, including siblings who go to other schools in our activities. We are in some ways "raising" your kids with you and we take that very seriously. My WHY has always been my wife and my girls, in all things. So, if we can help your WHY, then this could be the place for you.
Shawn Vicknair