Gateway America
Prep Blog
Expectations of a school?
As the owner of a Gateway America Prep for almost two decades, this question is constantly being considered by me. What are the expectations that parents have in their child’s school?
There are many answers to this question. Some expect nothing more than a babysitter so that parents can work and pay bills. Some expect the school to do everything. Most are just wanting academics. So, what do you expect of your child’s school?
An Attitude of Gratitude
In as little as five minutes a day you can change your world. According to Wayne Dyer “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This insight can lead you to a new tomorrow. Are you game? The process is fairly simple and the results are amazing.
Serious Education
Recently, upon reviewing several charts and graphs put out by the U.S. Department of Education through their Institution of Education Services, I was quite troubled as to what I saw. The specific numbers vary from subject to subject, and chart to chart, but our country has seen a steady decline in academic scores as compared to other countries.
Between Stimulus and Response
In the words of Stephen Covey, ‘Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose.’ These words are very powerful. It is one of the major things that separates us from animals. We, as humans, have the freedom to choose. We have the ability, actually the obligation to choose, not react to stimuli instinctively.
Home school, Private school, Public school?
As you consider different school options for your child, a good way to start is by deciding whether home school, private school, or public school is the best choice for your family. This email offers an overview of these schooling options, along with some of the pros and cons of each.
What the experts are saying
When evaluating different education options for your child, don’t forget to consult the experts! The Internet, and many leading news sources, are excellent resources for information covering different learning methods, and how they can impact your child’s success after high school.
5 things college applicants can do to stand out
The college application process has always been competitive, but with more students seeking higher education, the competition is stiffer than ever. However, the following five strategies can help prospective college students ensure that their applications make their way to the top of the heap – and secure that coveted admission letter.
Going beyond the basic curriculum
As parents, we all want a quality education for our children, that gives them a thorough understanding of core subjects and an appreciation for learning. Unfortunately, with the increased emphasis on standardized testing in public schools, the focus of education has become merely to ensure that students pass a test.
What is the ‘Whole Student Approach’ to learning?
As you research different education options for your child, you are looking for a unique approach that will give your son or daughter the best chance of success after graduation. The “whole student” approach is a growing movement in education, and can be an effective method for helping students become their best selves.
Soft skills that students need for success
There’s no doubt that a solid base in literature, advanced math, the scientific process, and a thorough understanding of history are important to your child’s education. But educators and employers alike are increasingly emphasizing the importance of teaching children crucial “soft skills” before they reach graduation.
What are you going to be when you grow up?
What are you going to be when you grow up? This question is asked of our children and teenagers. While there are a few people that know early on what they want to be, most of us feel desperate to figure it. Many adults are still trying to answer this question themselves.