What the experts are saying

When evaluating different education options for your child, don’t forget to consult the experts! The Internet, and many leading news sources, are excellent resources for information covering different learning methods, and how they can impact your child’s success after high school. Here are three great articles for further reading that offer expert opinions on topics such as soft skills, employability, and the innovative “whole student” approach to education:

On the importance of soft skills: “Why Soft Skills Matter And The Top 3 You Need” via Forbes.com. This is a great read for understanding how developing soft skills can give your child a competitive edge throughout the rest of their life. The article takes a close look at how soft skills benefit workers and companies in the modern marketplace, and includes information on the topic from academic studies and major firms. Here, “purpose” is among the top three skills considered necessary for success. The author writes that “Feeling connected to a mission beyond ourselves and our own self-interest works as a wellspring to carry leaders and their teams through tough times, which invariably happen at work.”

On the value of the "whole child" approach: “Whole Child Development Is Undervalued” via Edutopia.org and George Lucas Educational Foundation, This article explores the innovative ways to improve K-12 education, and posits that child development should inspire lifelong learning across different spaces and communities. The author describes in detail the many benefits of the whole child approach, and how this method benefits not just the child, but also their family, community, and our society as a whole. After all, whole children turn into whole adults who contribute a great deal to their families, employers, and communities throughout life.

On the skills that employers are looking for: “Lack of workers with ‘soft skills’ demands a shift in teaching” via TheConversation.com. This article discusses how problem solving, critical thinking, attention to detail, and collaboration are important skills to have across all industries. The article emphasizes the importance of incorporating these skills into an educational environment, so they are developed early on, and practiced alongside mastery of academic topics. The author incorporates some fascinating facts. For instance, miscommunication costs businesses with up to 100 staff an average of US$420,000 per year.

Each of these expert articles can provide you with insight into the importance of an innovative approach to education that focuses on the whole child and incorporates the learning of critical soft skills. To learn more about the philosophy of education at Gateway America, contact us today at GatewayAmerica@mac.com. We’d love to talk with you.
Shawn Vicknair


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